
Archive for the ‘Out Of Character’ Category

wedding-rings2Isn’t WoW just like a partner?

You got introduced, you spent some time together and it clicked. You fell in love and for a long very long time you ignored all the little negative things, like the fact that he is so time consuming, that everything happens on his terms and that he can’t commit to a future together, at least not extending the current expansion.

But then something like two years passed and the magic started wearing off (since it is at about this time that nature decided to stop pumping you full or “love him”-hormones). You find yourself noticing all these short-comings and you start asking yourself: is he really worth it? And so it’s time for a pro and con list, or some soul searching, or a coin toss, or whatever it is you usually do in these kind of situations – all the while with him patiently waiting for you to make up your mind, knowing that he will most certainly be OK either way.

Whether he is worth sticking with after the magic has died down or not is up to every single one of us to decide.

However, keep in mind that what you had back then is gone and you can’t have that back. The question is – do you want to stick around and try to build something new, or do you want to end it now, keep all the wonderful memories and go searching for a new man hobby?

As for me, I have decided to give the old boy a chance and stick around – see what happens.

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Happy Azeroth Arbor Day everyone! 😀


There’s no better way for a tree to pass its free time other then waterskiing in the waterfalls of Sholazar Basin. Our roots make for excellent rudders and the leaves catch the wind perfectly!

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or How I Came to Absolutely Adore Ulduar.

Take a close look at this screenshot. Go on. Click it to get the full view, I’ll wait for you to finish.


Now did you see that? Did you spot all the CC (crowd control for those of you who joined us in WoW post TBC)? Now there might actually be a reason to finish leveling and gearing up my mage.:)

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There is an in-game tip while the loading screen is up that probably all WoW players have seen at one time or another. It goes like this:

Remember to take all things in moderation, including World of Warcraft.

And like myself most of you have probably snarked at it at some point, thinking “yeah right, as if Blizzard wants us to play only a little”.

Whether we are right or wrong does not matter. What matters is that, even though we do not like hearing it, the truth is that the tip is right. We should take things in moderation. Not because a line in an online game tells us to, but because it is for our own good.

You should not overdo it playing Warcraft because you might get so involved, you start neglecting other important things such as work, family and friends or even other hobbies.

But you should not overdo it playing Warcraft also because it is counterproductive to your own enjoyment of the game. Let me put it this way: if you had five bottles of your favorite wine, or your favorite candy or food, or all the seasons of your favorite series, what would be more enjoyable: drinking, eating, seeing it all in one long session, where you tire and your senses become over saturated, or spread it out over a reasonable amount of time and really savor it?

Looking at these analogies, it really feels obvious what the best choice is. Yet when I take a step back and consider Warcraft I realize that I do not apply the same logic to it. Why is that? Is it because I am addicted (oh no! did she just use the A-word?!), is it because it is different from the wine, candy, food and TV shows or is there some other reason why I, and most probably many others,  most of the time do not choose to take Warcraft in moderation?

The answer is most probably a complex one, but I believe that it all has to do with our urge to always feel good and have fun. A child would not stop to think of saving any candy for later, it would eat it all at once even though it might be aware of the eminent stomachache. It is because we learn to control our urges and through rational thinking optimize our actions, that we save some of the win,e candy, food and episodes for later.

But can we apply this when it comes to games? Maybe games are too closely associated with our childish behavior, with instant gratification.

I am not trying to claim that everyone who plays Warcraft does not do so rationally, but I doubt anyone could deny that there are people who do not. I am most certainly one of the people who at times fall into excess. I have my weak moments when I rationalize away my duties and make some extra room for an alt leveling session, some daily grinding, herb farming or just tweaking of my interface. During my four years of playing this game there have been times when Warcraft has been in the foreground of my life and time when it has taken a backseat to other matters.

The landing of this patch has triggered my irrational childish side and the little Mini Diablo on my shoulder is helping me come up with very rational excuses for plunging in wholeheartedly into the goodies that the patch has to offer – raid Ulduar, fish in Wintergrasp, farm for the recipes for new glyphs, level my alts who now have new abilities, play the Auction House, get the chicken from Westfall and the spirit  dartling from Feralas that I have been dreaming of for so long, take part in the Argent tournament and endless other things.

But I have decided not to give in. Not because I am afraid of neglecting the other parts of my life (thankfully, I still have a strong enough sense of duty to not fall behind on family time or work and studies), but because I know that I would be doing myself a disfavor. There is only so much new content and there is most probably a lot of time left until the next content-patch is introduced. There will be plenty of time to do everything I want to do.

I will be much better off and probably enjoy the game much more, if I prioritize and simply put some things off for later.

For now, I will concentrate wholeheartedly on raiding Ulduar, since we are the leading Horde guild on the server and have a title to defend, as well as battle for the server first against the leading Alliance guild. I have money and consumables enough to sustain myself for a while, so I will put my energy on working out two good healing specs, hunting down the appropriate glyphs, reading up on tactics and practicing on my healing.

Because, in my opinion, it is much more satisfying to be outstanding at one thing, then mediocre at many.

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As you all know by now, the new patch has landed. Huzzah!

And with it, alt of new content, loot, achievements and other fun stuff. It is all wonderful! But it’s the small things that really make me enjoy this new patch:


What are you most excited about in this patch?

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Honest Scrap

Enough procrastination on my part!

A while back I got tagged by Aleathea over at Hearthstone to accept and pass on the Honest Scrap award. Now since this has been going round for quite a while now, and I kind of doubt there are seven blogs left that have not been tagged yet, I will shamelessly ignore the second part of the challenge and simply just accept the award.


It truly is an honor to have been awarded this very special acknowledgement! The fact that one of you would deem me worthy of such praise is truly wonderful! I thank you, most sincerely! *bow*

And now, on to the juicy part of this meme: List 10 honest things about yourself. Here goes:


1. I am a clicker. *gasp* Yes, I know, it is truly shocking.

2. I am truly horrible at jumping. You know the balcony you have to jump to outside of UBRS? I have to this day not once managed to make the jump on first try. Yes, you may laugh now.

3. I have never managed to level a Warlock past level 12. I have tried several times, but for some reason, I just have not been able to “feel” it. Who knows, maybe some day, ey?

4. I still have the very first chacater I ever created in WoW, though she is on my boyfriend’s account and has not been touched in over two years. Her name is Schadow and she is a level 23 nightelf rogue.

5. I have a love/hate relationship to Achievements. I love the concept, but hate the fact that I feel forced to complete them all.

6. I am an RP enthusiast, though not a lore-geek. I love creating characters and finding real motivations for them to do the things I make them do and I like the lore the Warcraft world has, but I am a bit too lazy to always look things up.

7. If something within the Warcraft Lore clashes with my character’s story and motivations, I will conveniently ignore it. I write for my own pleasure, not to be one hundred percent correct.

8. I prefer playing with people I don’t know in real life. WoW for me is amongst other things a social arena, where I get to meet new people. I prefer spending time with my real life friends outside of WoW.

9. I am a coffee addict. Big time.

And now the greatest confession of them all:

10. I have a thing for trolls. I can’t help it, they’re just so hot 🙂

Dear Aleathea, I hope you’re happy with the response and I apologize  for it coming so late!

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I am still at a loss for words in general. Apologies to those who follow my RP posts, there will be one eventually – don’t give up hope!

Until then, here’s some of the things I got done today:









That brings me to a current grand total of 4740 achievement points. I would love to break the 5000 barrier, but I’m not sure I will manage that any time soon.

Current achievements I am working on:

– the second critter-loving

– the dalaran voidwalker pet

– reading all the books in Azeroth

– finishing off the dungeons I have left in the Old World

– do the last three Daily Heroic Dungeon quests needed for the achievement

– fishing up the Lurker Below

– finishing off the Dalaran Coin Fishing achievements

– fishing in a wreckage pool to finish off the Scavanger achievement

– work on my reputation with the Oracles, Kalu’ak, Warsong Offensive, Sons of Hordir and Shattered Sun Offensive, which should help me out with quite a few achievements: the last 3 pets i need for the Skunk pet; 5 more exalted reputations to get the 20 exalted repuations achievement; the Daily Bread Winner (making money off of quests) and 500 Daily Quests completed.

I’d also love to get all the Outland dungeons and heroic dungeons taken care of, but I’ll need at least one friend for that and none of the people I play with at the moment seem interested in this stuff, so I’m not pushing it.

Right, that’s it from me this time.

Happy Easter to all!


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Since a picture is said to say more then a thousand words, I thought three pictures would say even more! So here goes:

Click the images to view the fullsized versions.

This is what I stumbled upontoday as I was leaving Dalaran, on my way to Naxxramas:


A close-up look at the first phase of the Kel’Thuzad fight:


And the result of endless weeks of raiding that godforsaken place:


No need for any more words, i think 🙂

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… you replace your four year old laptop for an actual computer. And a really good one I might add!

Click on the images for enlarged versions.


And this:


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Maiara had to muster up all her willpower and to remind herself: this is still your furry little friend! No matter how tasty he looks, he is not to be munched on!


I would like to apologize for the lack of posts, or at least posts worth mentioning at the moment. I have been quite uninspired latley, which in combination with a lot going on in my life has led to the current situation. I will however try to post more frequently, even if it’s just to show off a screenshot or post a particularly funny comment made in chat.

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